A leading German Healthcare Group is hiring nursing applicants from around the world for their healthcare facilities across Germany (we are pooling candidates). The positions are for Tertiary Hospitals, Specialty Clinics, Home Health Centres and Corporate Nursing positions in Germany. B.Sc. / Diploma Nurses, with a minimum B2/B1 level German Language skills will be offered immediate work permits. Those without nursing qualifications, but with language skills, and desirous of pursuing nursing career in Germany may also apply.
- Language Skills : Minimum B1 German Language Certificate Holders. (Preferably B2 Level)
- Nursing Qualification : B.Sc. Nursing or Nursing Diploma from a recognised university.
- Nationality, Gender, Age : No bars.
- Experience : Clinical Experience is good, no minimum requirement.
- Avg. Annual Base Salary : Minimum €25K for trainee - Till - € 45k for fully recognised nurse.
- Avg. Annual Bonus : €23 - €33k
- Avg. Annual Total Pay : €25k - €60k
- Overtime : Paid extra beyond working hours as detailed below.
- The Pay & Bonus depends on the Qualification, Experience and German Language Skills. You will be communicated ahead of signing the final employment contract, once all these criteria are established and verified by the final employer.
- Overtime Pay has not been calculated in the above figures, OT forms an important and significant portion of the total earning for most expat nurses who work beyond working hours - please read till the end before applying.
- Download the below questionnaire as a Microsoft Word Document, type in all the answers without leaving any blanks, save the file as a Word document and email it alongwith
- Your Latest & Updated CV in English
- Color Photograph
- Valid Passport Copy
- Highest Qualification Certificate & Transcripts.
Please mention in the email subject line: The Job Title + Job Code + Your Name and Current Location
QUESTIONNAIRE (To be answered and saved as a separate WORD Document)
- Full Name :
- Position Title : Nurse – for Germany
- Job-Code No. : TRC-560
- Highest Qualification :
- University Name/Country :
- German Language Level :
- English Language Level :
- Are you a registered Nurse :
- RN Experience - total :
- Current Position Title :
- Current Employer :
- Current location :
- Earliest Joining :
- WhatsApp No. :
- Land Phone :
- Email Id :
- DOB / Age :
- Gender :
- Nationality :
- Family Details :
- Where did you find us ?
Please Note : Other Terms & Conditions Apply : Detailed Recruitment Process / T&C will be communicated individually to all shortlisted applicants via Email/WhatsApp before Interview.
You have reached this page, means you have already taken the first step towards being a Nurse in Germany, please read on. One of the most respected professions in Germany, Nurses, are and will be very busy always. Considering the fact that, everyone who works in this country, has access to social security and its benefits, such as unemployment insurance, health insurance, and retirement insurance. Ideally, expat nurses wishing to apply for our positions need to have the following:
- Educational qualification: As a B.Sc. or Diploma nurse from a recognised university
- Home Country's registered nurse license (not mandatory if you have German Language Skills)
- Good command of the German language (At least B-1 German Level)
- Healthy, both physically and mentally
- No criminal record
- Registered Nurses: Nurses who are registered in Germany are known as #Gesundheit- and #Krankenpfleger (health- and sickness carer).
Previously, the formal title of nurses in Germany was Krankenschwester (Female Nurse) or Krankenpfleger (Male Nurse)
- Different regulations apply for nurses with non – EU / EEA certificates, they still must get their qualifications recognized, it is a precision work and is time consuming process, our legal team will assist in these, while you work in Germany.
- Group 1: B.Sc. / Registered Nurse from Home Countries with minimum B-1 German Language Skills and having qualifications already recognised - This group of nurses will get the job-permits almost immediately after completing all application formalities.
- Group 2: B.Sc. Nursing, with German Language Skills - but without recognised qualifications : This group of nurses will also be offered Nursing Assistant Position to start work immediately, however the salary they get will be lower by 25%, until they achieve full recognition status. Once your get your qualification recognised and achieve B-2 German Level, you will be upgraded to receive full salary as applicable for recognized nurses. This process might take between 6-9 months, again our local legal team will assist you in this while you work in Germany.
- Group 3: Nursing Diploma Holders / Other Bachelor’s Degree Holders but possess B-1 Level German language Skills and would like to work as a Nurse: If you do not have nursing qualification, but possess B1 level German language skills, you will be enrolled for a vocational training course as a Nursing Apprentice in Germany. Here, your gender / nationality / race has no bearing, however your German language skills and previous qualifications will have a lot to do how fast you progress in your chosen career.
- NURSE-PATIENT RATIO: On an average, the patient-to-nurse ratio in Germany is 10:1.
- HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT: One of the best healthcare systems in the world, and the best equipped and managed hospitals, there are more than 2,000 hospitals across Germany, divided into three categories: public, private, and non-profit, and more than 160,000 General Practitioner in clinics. There is a huge shortage of recognized nurses.
- WORKING ATMOSPHERE: Expat nurses enjoy a well-structured, multinational atmosphere, most expat nurses also prefer to do overtime since the compensation for extra work is very high. Germany has the most regulated, yet flexible working hours as compared to any other country in the world. Some hospitals provide the option of working six-night shifts continuously, followed by six continuous days off.
- WORKING SHIFTS: Nurses often work 38-40 hours a week, split into 7–9-hour shifts, including working on shifts at night, on weekends, and on holidays, but no more than 5 days a week.
- PATIENT SAFETY: Patient safety has become a prominent focus of German socio-political awareness. The number of people working to improve patient safety has increased tremendously.
- The most important factor n determining your prospects of working as a nurse in Germany is the recognition level of your Qualification / University and the country from where you earned it. A nursing degree from a recognized university / country that has 3/4 years academic duration gets the highest salary grades.
- Good command of the German Language is an equally important criteria, you will need German language skills certificate at level B1 or B2 from any recognised German Language Certification institute such as : Goethe Institute, #telc gGmbH, #testDAF Institute, #Verein ÖSD institutes etc. The language skills are very important since as a nurse you will need to take care of the people, most of whom speak only in German. That is why, in many ways, language skills are more important than even having a Nursing Degree. Therefore, your need to attain minimum B1 level in order to qualify for an entry visa as a Nurse in Germany, once inside, it will be easier and directly more remunerative as you upgrade your #germanlanguageskills.
- Different regulations apply to nurses without a EU/EEA certificates, you will need to have your qualifications recognized, this is a difficult and time-consuming task which needs precision documents processing. The full process could take upto a year, during this period while you work as a nursing assistant inside Germany, our legal team helps you in processing, by submitting your degrees and qualifications to the appropriate authorities of the federal state in which you will work. Those who like to go only after successful recognition, can opt for starting the processing and staying back in their home countries.
- After completion of your qualification recognition, you will you be granted a visa to work as a qualified nurse; however, as explained above, you can enter Germany, with non-nursing category work permit beforehand. Post qualification recognition, a nurse can normally work and live in Germany for four years, after which they can apply for an extension or even a permanent work and residence permit. An application for German citizenship can also be filed and the rules as of that period shall apply.
- In case your qualification does not get recognition, but you have gained German Language skills certification, then you can take additional courses in Germany, work as an apprentice, pass the relevant tests to make up for their lack of academic or practical knowledge.
- To be considered for assessment by the German Nursing Council, a nurse must complete the B1 level in the German language.
- To work as a Registered Nurse, you must complete the B2 level. While in Germany, nurses can complete the B2 level.
- Q1. Are there any Age Restrictions / Limits to work as a Nurse in Germany?
- Answer: There are no restrictions on age, as long as they meet the primary criteria of speaking German at a B2 level or at least B1 level and have a nursing qualification. Even if one did not study nursing earlier, but has gained German Skills Levels, he or she can begin as an apprenticeship in Germany.
- Q2. To get a job in Germany, which exam do I have to pass?
- Answer: For application regarding assessment to the German Nursing Council, a nurse must complete the B1 level of the German language. You must, however, complete the B2 level to work as a Registered Nurse. While in Germany, nurses can earn a B2 diploma.